About us

OK, so, why the title of the blog?

To be honest I am not really sure. Obviously it’s a slight alteration of the ‘too many cooks…’ to reflect the two of us. We are not chefs, I’m a café manager and as mentioned Freesia is a dietitian out of work. We do both enjoy food and the cooking of food so we set about creating this blog.

I’m also trying to convince her to have more of an author’s role with the blog. I simply want to write down my recipes, reflections, reactions… I want Freesia to comment on these. I want her to tell you how faithful I am to my diet, how frustrating I can be and give details of weight loss, gain, my cholesterol etc!

Please, encourage her along the way!

She’s as much a part of this as I am, and also has designed the layout of the blog!

(oh, and I am aware that the titles does look a little like 2 Mini Cocks… It was only after it was created that this became apparent… Freesia says it’s too late to change it now…)



Bueno, por qué el título de nuestro blog?

Para ser honesto no estoy muy seguro. Obviamente viene de la frase Inglesa “Too many cooks” (algo parecido al significado de “hay muchos caciques en esta tribu”, queriendo decir que muchos son los que quieren mandar). Pero la cambiamos para que significara “2 pequeños cocineros”.

No somos cocineros profesionales, yo soy el encargado de un Café y Freesia es Nutricionista. Los dos disfrutamos mucho la comida y también cocinar y experimentar con alimentos. Por eso pensamos en abrir el Blog.

Esperamos que lo disfruten mucho!



58 thoughts on “About us”

  1. Hello! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the “like”! I’ve enjoyed nosing around your blog. 🙂 Great layout too! Happy New Year to you both!

    • Thanks!
      We’ve love the multi-coloured ravioli! When Freesia feels brave enough we will *hopefully* attempt to create some!
      Hope you have a Happy New Year also!

  2. Guys,

    Nice job! I love what you are doing. Keep up the great work and I will see you around the blogosphere…

    Happy New Year!


  3. Great collaboration on a blog. Nothing mini about your site!

  4. We love how ‘Cholesterol’ is one of the biggest tags here! 😛
    Happy cooking!

  5. Your about section cracks me up. Go Freesia! Go other nice cook!

    • Aw thanks! I really enjoy reading your recipes and travel shorts. Some more info about the food markets you use around London would be very handy! Keep up the fantastic work! Tim

  6. haha, I am glad you addressed the similarity in your name to the male organ…I found it pretty amusing. I am glad you kept it. Add a bit of humor and surprise! Thanks for stopping by and let us know if you try (or already have!) any of the Peruvian food we will be presenting over the months! Saludos from Peru!

  7. Great weekend to you …. and I want to thank you for support for my blog, needs it because I don’t have a clue really – just pretending for the moment. Love your “tag” layout. Great visit a blog about food that’s not only mad cooking. Been a chef in over 30 years and there is more to life !
    Keep on the good job! And I will be back.

  8. No the title is just very romantic! 🙂 Love it love your blog…

  9. Hello! Thanks for finding my site – yours looks wonderful. 🙂 I was a bit confused by the name at first, but it makes a lot more sense after reading your About page. I’ll look forward to reading more soon. 🙂

  10. Thanks for the “like” on my blog! Yours sounds pretty cool, and I love the name and layout! The recipes look great. I’ll have to try some out sometime!

  11. Love the blog guys, great pics and recipes. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Love yours 🙂 xx, Christina

    • Thank you! Your blog is so tranquil to look at! Like the webpage equivalent of a dream made of marshmallows about pink bunnies! Good luck with all your plans 🙂 x

  13. Thank you for following my blog as well! I am new to the blogging scene and i am loving it thus far, especially when your folowers increase. Freesia I think it would be fantastic for you to comment on the blog as well, especially from a dietician’s poitn of view 🙂

    Happy blogging!

  14. trakit2011 said:

    Love your blog!

  15. Sweet Spell Baking Chick said:

    Thanks for hitting “like” on my Blondies or Brownies post!

  16. 1luckystar said:

    Thanks for visiting my blog 🙂 i wish you luck with yours and will shortly have a browse around.. Seems like your off to a good start with many comments. 🙂

  17. Thanks for the “like” I look forward to trying some of your recipes.

  18. Thanks for the visit and like on my blog about the heart fudge! You have an excellent idea for a blog too and I enjoyed having a look.

  19. Cool blog! I didn’t actually read it as ‘2 mini cocks’ till I read your comment and now I cannot get it out of my head 😉

  20. hope you don’t mind .. that I’m a little playful. Don’t really know how to trackback and tag – so I have to do it this way. A little bit of fun .. and no pain or cooking is involved.

  21. I wasn’t going to tell you this, but since you’ve said it yourself, so, yeah, I first read your blog title as 2MiniCocks, sorry, an then I re-read it and I know it’s 2MiniCooks. My bad. Thanks for the star, btw. I’m clicking the follow button. You got interesting recipes I want to try. I’ll tell you my thoughts (about the recipes) after I try them. See you soon…

  22. I’m passing the Versatile Blogger Award to both of you–you’re both wonderful cooks and writers!

    The Versatile Blogger Award

  23. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours looks nice, I’ll definitely be coming back!

  24. Thanks for stopping by my blog , as they say. I really like the layout of yours and it looks like it has some interesting and nicely written articles, I look forward to going through them.

  25. Thanks for stopping by our blog. I really loved yours. I will try some recipes out.

  26. Hello to both of you! 😀 Thank you so much for visiting my site. It gives me great inspiration on your simple gesture of appreciating one of my posts. Your recipes and cuisines are truly mouthwatering. Keep it up. Looking forward on your next work!


  27. Actually what the title says to me is that you are cooking with your 2 children but probably because I am a Mom lol

  28. LOL

  29. Thanks for the “like” and passing through our blog…enjoyed yours 🙂

  30. charlie jacobs said:

    Congratulations! we have included you our list of top inspiring bloggers, and have passed the “Very Inspiring Blog Award” and the One Lovely Blog along to you. Check here to pick up your award badges!

    Sharing the Love. 2one2 blog gets kudos from fellow bloggers. Thank you!

  31. Hello and thanks for the like – we’re liking some of your recipes & photos v much!

  32. Sometimes I wish I had a partner on my blog. If I could only get college boy to come home and cook more often! Thanks for liking my blog.

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